First things first, “Know who you are?”

Learn to know yourself… to search realistically and regularly the processes of your own mind and feelings.- Nelson Mandela A lot is said about the importance of knowing yourself. Yet not enough stress can be laid upon how important it is. Before we set out to change the world , a step we must take to…

Stay At Home Vs. Working Mom

‘Mother’s Mental Health #1 A silent debate seems to be raging as to which is better being a ‘stay at home’ or a ‘working mother’. A few people consider it their utmost duty to inform you that if you choose to not work you are probably wasting your education and talent. On the contrary some…

Sibling Rivalry: How it all started?

Moms have so many roles to play, they tell you. You are a teacher, a nurse, doctor, chef, friend and what not. However today of lately I have discovered that I am unwittingly taking upon a new role, of a ‘Referee’. My two children , a girl (5) and a boy (1) are going through…

Why Australia is already great?

In the words of an expat mum Its been about a year and a half that we arrived down under. I can still feel the cold October breeze on my face as we exited the huge glass doors of the Melbourne airport at around ten in the night and for the first time ever set foot in the city…

What happens to your best-friend after the Marriage?

Life was a lot about friendships. If not all about it. Whatever was the problem in life or whoever it was , it was not too difficult sharing it with that closest friend. She was your high school friend and there was not a secret between the two of you. It was a lot of…

Are you born to be a blogger?

               Rantings of a personal blogger If you are a blogger already, you might reflect on whatever that I state here.  In case you are not one, I hope that this can help you discover the hidden blogger that lies within you. Also  it might just make you feel…

27 Social Ettiquettes No One Told You About

Today’s world is busy promoting the satisfaction of the ‘self’. We are constantly reminded through social medias and any other type of media to think about ourselves and not mull over things and people which give us stress or annoy us. We are told ‘be yourself’, however what if the being so is a form…

25 Money Saving Tips for the Wise HomeMaker

Saving money can mean so many things to each of us. For some it may be a way of life while for a few it could be a idea you put off as they are confused about it and  have no idea where to begin or even why it would be even necessary. Their are…